V2_ Residency: Roel Heremans

About Roel's residency at iMAL
Roel Heremans wants to find out what is possible in the realm of transforming brainwave data received by EEG-devices (gamma, beta, alpha, theta, delta) into 3D printed forms. The next weeks he will roam around our Fablab to slowly progress in his search for physical manifestations of these shared data signals.
Roel Heremans is a conceptual artist working with sound & technology.In most of his works he composes fragments of audio that trigger the imagination of visitors in order to create immersive group experiences. As a result, the visitors simultaneously become actors, witnesses, performers and reenactors of mental and physical processes of thought and movement, where collective performances encounter individual reactions and vice versa.
By activating people in this way, Heremans generates a simulation of the contemporary world, one in which every individual is part of their own self-mirroring bubble, one in which the visitor, with their experience, remains the artist’s only metaphorical canvas. His varied practice, all deriving from these immersive group experiences, also includes video and works on paper.
Past exhibitions of his work include S.M.A.K, Ghent (B), Sale Docks, Venice (IT), De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL), STUK, Leuven (BE), Next festival, Lille (FR), Argos, Brussels (BE), WASP, Bucharest (RO), M HKA, Antwerp (BE), Siemens Sanat Gallery, Istanbul (TR), Les Brigittines, Brussels (BE). Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (NL), Kunstenfestival Watou (BE) and Museum M, Leuven (BE).
Also as a frequent public speaker, Heremans has hosted several public events including the Design Develop Transform Congres during the exhibition ‘A Temporary Futures Institute’ in M HKA Antwerp (BE), Agence Futur broadcast ‘Buyantanshi’ in Bunkeya (DRC), the CTRL+ALT+ENTER show in Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam (NL), ‘Zihninde Tiyatro’ broadcast on Açık Radyo in Istanbul (TR), the CASS concerts in The Hague (NL), Radio de la liberté broadcast in Brussels (BE), 54kolaktiv Podcast in Brussels (BE) and television reporter for tvbrussels (BE).