The Cookery

The Cookery is an event focused on artistic practices that use technology in an accessible and inclusive way. The Cookery aims to create a safe environment for debate, knowledge exchange, learning by doing-it-yourself and -with-others, and participative performances.
And of course, The Cookery wouldn’t be true to its name without delicious food to share around the table in a relaxed atmosphere!
THU 11.04
09:30 • Doors
10:00→12:30 • Local art/science initiatives: presentations by KIKK, Ohme & Lumson
15:00→18:00 • On the relevance of fablabs: presentations & panel discussion with Ernesto Oroza, Stephanie Vilayphiou, Adrien Payet & Xavier Klein
19:00 • Concerts: Space Is Only Noise & Val Macé
FRI 12.04 & SAT 13.04
09:30 • Doors
10:00→18:00 • Workshops with Darsha Hewitt + Claire Williams / Wojciech Rusin + Eliot Duran / Lumson / Val Macé
19:00 • Dinner-Performance by Jieun Oh & Le Réalism
SUN 14.04
11:00→14:30 • Brunch by Le Réalism
14:30→16:30 • Informal presentations & performances by the participants
17:30 • Concerts: Sarah Wéry & Wojciech Rusin
- Talks & panels (Thu 11.04)
- Seats are limited - free online reservation recommended!
- Concerts (11.04 & 14.04)
- Book your ticket online. On-site tickets only if not sold out.
- Workshops & meals (12-14.04)
- Book your seat online!
Reduced rates for students, teachers, citizens of Molenbeek, unemployed, 65+ & Fablab members
The Cookery
The entire iMAL space will be configured as a large Cookery where we will brew new ideas, heat up experiments and let creativity boil! A space, open and connected, full of tools and ingredients to create.
The Cookery 2024 will host international artists, designers and makers aiming to promote cross-cutting connections and collaborative dynamics with the local community.
Together, we will delve around the wide intersection between art and science; a critical look on digital fabrication and maker culture; and a bricolage, diy, lowtech approach to making instruments, music and sound.
With The Cookery, we want to invite the artistic community to explore artistic experimentation & production through digital technologies, while encouraging critical thinking through practice, creative reflection and public debate.
iMAL team: Élie Bolard, Lucía García, Yannick Antoine
iMAL intern: Louise Wadier
Consultant: Lionel Maes
Dutch texts : William Vanderborght
The Cookery design & illustration by: Camille Chautru
The Cookery 2024 is possible thanks to the support of Innoviris; the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, through the transnational cooperation project "European Digital Deal"; and the Polish Institute.
iMAL is structurally supported by Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles and VGC.