A quick and to-the-point presentation of the video game industry in Brussels (but also Belgium overall), and how games.brussels is helping it grow.
The video game industry is often presented as an otherworldly economic juggernaut, spilling out products that have neither quality nor depth. In this presentation, games.brussels will talk about the realities of the video game industry in Brussels and Belgium overall, and how our country is differentiating itself with the products it is currently developing.

I’m a freelancer Game Developer, that started out as a Game Designer before going solo, becoming a teacher and helping set up an association to represent and grow our local & regional industry.
I’m a wearer of many different hats, but all linked to video games.
Sébastien Le Touze, games.brussels administrator and eXiin founder & creative director.
Jan Hameeuw, games.brussels administrator and ThePack founder & executive producer