Girl data labelers achieve gnosis and become god in this desktop performance.
A group of girl data labelers in Makati City log on to discover that their identication-classication interface has become a divine gnosis, now constructing & redening the world around them. The girls are the model, the model is the god. Chia Amisola's desktop performance-simulation-reading tells of the possibilities of love, loss, and liberation of third world tech workers, exploring their desires, exploitation, and intimacies.
Examining technological reification & sublimation, lineages of women's work in computing, the poetics of infrastructures, and the authorship & agency of the technological pipeline. The performance takes place on a website-specific location, inviting audiences to participate in the labeling.
Chia Amisola (b. 2000) is an artist devoted to the internet’s loss, love, labor, and liberation. They make ambiences, performances, and tools with the web(site) as a material to explore the intimacies of third-world infrastructure & identities.They organize Developh and the Philippine Internet Archive in pursuit of a more poetic & critical third-world internet, most recently curating & developing KAKAKOMPYUTER MO YAN, an exhibition celebrating Filipino internet art.
Computer dream angel girl saint