iPO 2024 : Bárbara C. Branco

I am a visual artist and musician and professional complainer. This project is called En(fado).
"I didn't want to complain, after all life isn't so bad, but however nonetheless nevertheless, now it snows in carnival, and I don't see neither lake nor river nor sea, God forbid swimming in the canal, from cod I turn into codfish cake, to be drown by big fish." (lyrics from “FADO”, song by PEGA)

It mostly boils down to missing the sea, and trying to replace it with city objects and technology. Be it the sound, the smell or of ebb and flow, the cries of the seagull, my soppy side comes out in a reminiscence of Fado music to do what I do best: complain and sing.
Fado is complaining in the form of a song. Enfado means vexation and boredom, and Fado means destiny, but is also the name of a type of Portuguese traditional music.
With this project I am working with music writing and installation in a multidisciplinary direction for the first time. I’m designing, with the help of arduino, sound and light activated devices which I activate during my music performance.
I want to continue working on this longing for the sea by creating an emulation of the sea and sea elements with the help of motors and interactive electronic objects.
Sprinkled with hints of climate crisis fear, love for ecology and self-conscious and self deprecating humour , I want to bring the Portuguese coast to iMAL. And the "complainy" Fado.”