CASTII (Centre for Arts, Science, Technology, Innovation and Inclusion) is a project led by iMAL that was developed within the framework of the Brussels-Capital Region's ERDF operational programme. Nearly 2.8 million euros have been invested in CASTII, 50% of which is covered by the European authorities and 50% by the Region, with the aim of strengthening the cultural infrastructure offer in the Canal area, as well as social cohesion. Two other partners are also involved in the project: the Move ASBL (formerly LES ASBL), and the municipality of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean (MCCS).
By allowing iMAL to renovate and expand its building, the CASTII project aimed to consolidate iMAL's position as a centre with a local, regional and international dimension dedicated to contemporary arts based on the use of technology. CASTII also aims to strengthen social cohesion in the Canal area: a fablab open to all, dedicated to the creation and development of circular and social economy projects, has been set up at IMAL, with the organisation of activities (workshops, digital training) for the audiences of the LES asbl and for the populations of the Canal area. The development of a permanent fablab at the MCSS for local associations, teachers and young artists has also been set up as part of the project.