Our V2_ residents have arrived!
We're very happy to welcome four residents at iMAL in the context of the V2_ Summer Sessions.
Believing that it’s important to support upcoming talents, even more so during unstable times, we have selected 4 artists to be part of this year’s Summer Sessions Residency programme here at iMAL. They have a dedicated working space, tools and knowledge at their disposal during the time of their residency. Having selected four artists that work on very different projects we hope that this time together will be a fruitful opportunity for exchange during which they will inspire each other in their work.
Meet the residents (left to right on the photo)
Mladen Bundalo will be working on"Hypermigrations", a kinetic video installation/essay which explores several hyper-migrations which took place in Europe in the last 45k years, and related cultural and social shifts, fusions, but also conflicts. All static and moving parts of the installation will be engineered, tested and assembled during the residency period with us.
Roel Heremans wants to find out what is possible in the realm of transforming brainwave data received by EEG-devices (gamma, beta, alpha, theta, delta) into 3D printed forms. The next weeks he will roam around our Fablab to slowly progress in his search for physical manifestations of these shared data signals.
From the transgenerational to the interface, Diana Dobrescu/ Dance Divine regenerates a cosmic trace with a digital ID that uses voice as a weapon. Through an audiocostume, Cyborg Amazon generates language with 360° sound diffusion. The prototype grows under new constructs, including new 3D prints and designs made in our Fablab. Afterwards, the focus will be on metaphysical space design with a will to create a dialog between video and sound, as physical matter that will be manipulated.
Cyborg Amazon will stage on 31st october at iMAL, for the closing night of Nuits du Beau Tas festival.
During the first phase of the residency Mathieu Zurstrassen will connect all the hardware parts of the scenography of his last interactive installation "Margaret", which he has intensively worked on, over the past months. Secondly, while testing the kinetic reliability of the work, he will implant the unique autonomous brain (the AI aka ‘Margaret’) a Neural Network model developed and trained over the past three months. Lastly he will kindly call for all the expertise from the people of iMAL and the other residents to get feedback about the project and finetune according to the critics.