Amandine David - Weaving Code

Amandine spent the last 2 months exploring the aesthetical and technical opportunities created by the combination of woven textiles and 3D printed pieces during her residency at the iMAL Fablab.
The research was a mixture of weaving, theoretical research and experiments with the 3D printers at IMAL fablab.
Weaving Code is located at the crossroad of hand weaving, programming and 3D printing.
The basic computer language made of 0s and 1s originated in the automation of looms. Weaving code connects hand-weaving to 3D printing. While a piece of textile is produced on the loom, an object is generated by the computer using the same binary code. By turning weaving patterns into a programming language, Weaving code aims to explore how traditional crafts and digital tools can enhance each other and offer an alternative interpretation of technology at large.
- Amandine documented her residency on our wikimal: click here to access this page
- Interested in a residency at our Fablab? Click here for more information.