Timoté Rouffignac

About Timoté's residency at our Fablab
Open-source jigsaw, is a project initiated by Timoté Rouffignac, Gaspard Del Marmol & Alice Emery, during their Bachelor 3 in Industrial Design at La Cambre.
Their class was asked to design different open-source tools for the design studio Mekanika (formerly Leonar).
This project was an opportunity to deal with technical and semantic issues concerning the definition of open-source. Designing an open-source jigsaw was for the opportunity to work on a popular object, very useful for the DIY environment.
DIY jigsaws already existed on the internet, but required components only available in the designer's locality. So the aim was to use standardised, globally available components and to use the Fablab's equipment to produce the object.