30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology

Quantum Aesthetics

.2024 18:00

Ana Simón (flute, text, concept) and Andrés Navarro (percussion) develop together an unprecedented narrative, the product of five years of theoretical and practical research on art creation.

Quantum Aesthetics is a lecture and a sound experience in which transformative ideas are woven seamlessly into the totality of the multi-dimensional artwork. A posthumanist proposal for a new world.

Quantum Aesthetics

The discovery of quantum mechanics has brought about the greatest revolution of all time in our understanding of physical processes. Entanglements, superimpositions and states of possibility are giving rise to new perceptions of music that radically transform the conceptual framework of artistic practice. Digital culture, artificial intelligence and autonomous generative systems are simultaneously overturning traditional notions of the work of art, of the original and the copy.

Although it may seem unconventional and strange, quantum aesthetics ultimately prove to be natural and intuitive in a reality with an indeterminate future. By engaging human and technological agents in collaborative creation, this realist theory elevates the practice of free improvisation to the status of a 21st-century work of art.

Produced by Fundación Telefónica.

With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Innoviris, the Embassy of Spain in Belgium, the Spanish Presidency of the EU, the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie.

Co-funded by the European Union.

Produced by Fundación Telefónica.


With the support of
