Heidi Hörsturz

About Heidi's Residency at our Fablab
"My idea is about the connection of digital sculptural work and sound art. The basic idea is to attach sculptures to records so that they turn to the sounds when the vinyl is played. Thus, the record is at the same time a moving sculpture. The visualization of music and sound landscapes by video projections or animations up to the classical music video are generally known. But what could a visualization look like with an object that moves to the sounds in real time and also represents a unity of image and sound? With the record sculptures I would like to try to enable a new form of visualization and to investigate its interaction with the respective sounds. Since I find the combination of old and new media very interesting, I think it is particularly exciting to create the sculptures using 3D printing techniques."
More info
For more detailed information about the process check out the dedicated Wikimal.