30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology

Vivien Roubaud — The Creeping

Vivien Roubaud
The Creeping

the work

The Creeping is a robotic installation questioning the original purpose of printer technology proposing its infinite and fluid movement, emphasizing the almost organic metamorphosis of the object's wandering through space. Consisting of mutating a standardized system the work allows the production of content with an unprecedented layout. The printer prints without adhering to conventional construction rules; it reinvents the layout by simply writing the text that is fed into it in a single continuous line. This installation overprints sometimes renewing the meaning through the randomness of the emerging geometries, and whirlwinds of text seeming to contract upon themselves and disappear into an infinity of characters, yet surprisingly precise and reorganized into a singular configuration.

In Fin et début / Einde en begin Roubaud's robotic installation will be presented at iMAL's main entrance and will be activated in a series of performances throughout the duration of the exhibition. Printing Wisława Szymborska's poem End and Beginning in three languages (French, Dutch and Polish), this performance conceptualizes the underlying ideas of the poem and the exhibition regarding the cyclical nature of time and history, the regeneration after challenging periods, the fading collective memory, as well as the ecosystemic perception of our world where nature, technology and humans exist in an interconnected cycle.


Images: courtesy of the artist

Fin et début / Einde en begin