30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology

Johanna Bruckner — Entropic Clonography

Johanna Bruckner
Entropic Clonography

The Work

Entropic Clonography examines the influences of AI on moments of desire (human and more-than-human) and aesthetically explores what options for agencies can be developed from them. It asks questions such as: What are the images of machine learning used for, transformed into, and what traces do they leave behind? Which bodies do they, as prosthetic images, produce? How do people encounter these images and their (failed) promises With reference to moments of desire, pleasure, sexuality and imagination in social media, found- and self-produced footage as well as sequences from filmic works – the video installation will reflect on the fragile threshold between imagination, affirmation, and frustration of technology as an interface of embodied experience. Articulated as apolyphonic installation, this work will reflect upon technological transformations beyond binary regimes of gender, agency and utopia.

Johanna Brruckner developed Entropic Clonography in 2024 during her residency at iMAL (BE).

The artist

Johanna Bruckner's work is charecterised by a multimedia approach in which the performance of the human body plays a prediminant role. In her installations that formally present a combination of technological machinery and organic bodies, videos generated with computer graphic sofware regurarly appear accompanied by sound compsitions, The artist deals with themed related tobiopolotocs, feminism, queer theory and posthumanism.

Bruckner's work has been shown internationally. Selected exhibitions include: Berlinische Galerie, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Mediterranea Biennial 19, ICA Milano, the CAC Centre d'Art Contemporain Geneve, Galerie EIGEN+ART Lab, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, transmediale 2020 and ZKM.


Concept, editing, filming, sound, text, post-production: Johanna Bruckner
3D Renderings, animations: Ann-Kathrin Kluss
Subtitles: Antonia Zeitlinger
Project Management: Pia Zeitzen
Research Assistant: Carolin von den Benken
Dance: PARTS, to be specified
Objects: to be specified
Support: EMAP / iMAL, CERN, Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council, The Cultural Section of the City of Vienna, The Cultural Department of Lower Austria, Bundesländertalier Paliano, Austrian Federal Ministry for Art & Cultural Affairs.
EMAP collaborator: Ann-Kathrin Kluss

Funded by the European Media Arts Platform (EMAP) and hosted by iMAL (2024).
Images: courtesy of the artist and Ruth Bruckner.

Fin et début / Einde en begin