The Cookery - On the relevance of fablabs
.2024 15:00-18:00

What are the lessons to be learnt from 30 years of fablabs – 12 in the case of iMAL's? Have the fablab and makers movements lived up to their promises?
Between climate issues, people's emancipation, gender, and colonialism, is it possible to believe in a radical and committed future for the fablab sphere?
To address these questions, we are bringing together Ernesto Oroza, Stephanie Vilayphiou, Adrien Payet & Xavier Klein, each with a singular critical approach to fablabs. In this The Cookery panel, they will engage in an in-depth discussion aiming to question and respond to the challenges and outcomes of the 'new' industrial revolution.

Adrien Payet studies and practices philosophy, design and code. As a member of the Praticable collective, he collaborates with designers, architects and artists, and teaches at ENSCi-Les Ateliers (Paris) and Paris 1 Sorbonne.

Artist, designer, researcher, a graduate of the Higher Institute of Design of Havana, teacher at the École Supérieure d’Art et Design de Saint-Étienne. Ernesto Oroza has been interested in architectures of necessity, technological disobedience, and other topics that link design and society in times of economic and political crisis.
He produces and distributes speculative models and research through various publishing methods, exhibitions, collaborative practices, documentaries, and unorthodox forays into architecture, interior design, and object design.

Stéphanie Vilayphiou has a background in graphic design and web development. She teaches at erg (graphic design research school) in the Media department, where she runs a number of courses on digital technology, experimentation and free software.
Her use of code is reflected in her artist's studio at Green Fabric, where she uses algorithms to generate patterns and hacks into old electronic knitting machines, as well as introducing the general public to computers and code in a more straightforward way, thereby reaffirming the often-forgotten direct link between textiles and computers.

Fablab manager since 2016, Xavier Klein has worked at SparkOh! (formerly PASS), at the Orange Digital Center and for 4 years at Fablab iMAL. He's also graduated from the Fab Academy. His work is focused on the critical use of digital tools, providing caring support and training for the users.
Consultant: Lionel Maes
The Cookery 2024 is possible thanks to the support of Innoviris; the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, through the transnational cooperation project "European Digital Deal"; and the Polish Institute.