Be My Guest!

Be My Guest! a collective XR dinner event hosted by AI
At the intersection between art, architecture and research, Be My Guest! explores the spatial, cultural and social relationships of design, new media technologies and AI in one of the most common and oldest gathering rituals in our everyday lives: a dinner with friends where AI becomes the host, co-creator of the spatial experience, and co-author of the spatial menu. Every dish becomes a surreal experience, with AI co-designed objects staging the physical environment and hiding hybrid affordances yet to be discovered. The project situates itself in the speculative future of living and proposes a mixed-reality dinner event, combining spatial storytelling, AI as a social companion, and posthuman theories to open a ground for discussion about the emerging socio-cultural role of artificial intelligent models and their integration through new media technologies in our everyday social scenarios for the future of our livable domains.
what happens “when species meet”?
Me And Other Me (Anna Pompermaier & Cenk Güzelis)
Me And Other Me (Anna Pompermaier & Cenk Güzelis) is a new media-driven artistic and architectural research studio exploring the future of our spatial experiences and communication through practical applications of social mixed reality experiences focused on online culture, post-human critique, and the spatial web. Anna and Cenk are interested in how social media and the internet have evolved to accommodate online communities in networked virtual spaces that have become alternative places to practice social and cultural activities, and how these virtual spaces affect the architecture of our social lives and social selves. Anna and Cenk are architects, educators and researchers at ./studio3, the Institute for experimental architecture of Innsbruck University, where they conduct practice-led research at the intersection of experimental architecture, contemporary art, and new media.
Valdemar Danry
Valdemar Danry is a Researcher, Artist and Tech Humanist at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. With his background in philosophy of mind, neuroscience, extended reality
(XR) and artificial intelligence, he seeks to explore how the augmented body mediates our
experiences of the world not just as something physical but as something which is “lived”. Valdemar has worked with international collaborators from MIT, Harvard, Georgia Tech, IBM Research, and University of California, and has exhibited his work at Ars Electronica, Electrical Artifacts and at the MIT Museum. His team’s projects have been featured on FastCompany, Time, Disruptive Innovation Festival, National Geographic, The Guardian, and UNEP.
Me AndOther Me / Cenk Güzelis & Anna Pompermaier
Me AndOther Me,
./studio3, Institute for experimental architecture, Innsbruck University,
Valdemar Danry
MIT Media Lab Fluid Interfaces
Ceramic 3D printing: Jan Contala (cera.Lab)
Creative technologist: Burkart Schwaighofer, Marek Šimoník
Production assistant: Ömer Gürel
Sound artist: dilâ kirmizitoprak
AI artist: Simone Verduci
Chef: Adrian Mancheño / Hispania Brussels
With the support of Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, through the European Media Art Platform.

Co-funded by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sports
This project is also supported by the Culture Moves Europe program of the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union