30 Quai des Charbonnages
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussels
Art Center for Digital Cultures & Technology

Barbora Žilinskaite

About Barbora's Residency at our Fablab

Barbora used her time as a resident in at the iMAL Fablab to work on her project 'Roommates'.

Project 'Roommates' is a collection of personified furniture pieces designed to intrigue human emotions and change the way how we perceive everyday objects around us.

Together with the industrialisation of production, the standardisation of design began, provoking a similarity of the produced goods, inert or shorter-term consumption, and monotony of everyday experience. Although industrial and technological achievements are encouraging, the emotional connection between an object and a person gradually disappeared, objects became more often replaced with new ones.

The aim of project "Roommates" is to question whether it is necessary to give emotional value to objects and how could it change the daily human routine or consumption habits.
Project “Roommates” was supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.


Barbora Žilinskaitė (b. 1996) is a Lithuanian designer based in Brussels, Belgium.
The designer questions the possibilities of environmental impact on a human being and express her ideas into functional objects. During the creative process, she seeks to distance herself from definitions of practices and combines different methods into one. Through her works designer searches for new ways of interactions between people and objects, sometimes it provokes a certain emotion, encourages a change in habits or creates a new routine, sometimes it formulates questions or initiates a discussion.


Finished product