Jo Caimo

Here is a list of contents in which Jo Caimo appear.



From August 16 until August 26, Jo Caimo is in residency at iMAL. During this 10-days residency he continues to work on his project 'Human Organ Concert', together with Sjoerd Leijten.


Elias Heuninck parlera de son travail sur "Lightkeeping", un appareil photo dont il détaillera le développement du prototype. Jo Caimo nous en dira plus sur son ‘Rode Oortjes Meter’, un appareil destiné à mesurer l'état émotionnel. Theo Lalis commentera deux projets récents ayant utilisé des éléments architecturaux non-standards créés grâce à la fabrication numérique grande échelle.


The SEBCTool (Social Excitement Behavior Communication Tool) is a device used to measure an emotional state. The ear-clip changes color when a temperature change is detected due to excitement. Jo Claimos' project is a social experiment raising questions about new communication tools and social interactions.