Archives : Workshops

26 November - 30 November 2006

A workshop about artistic usage of 3d game engines directed by Julian Oliver

3 July - 23 August 2006

Real Time Video - Movements Analysis - Real Time 3D - Code Art - Physical Computing - Collaborative Web (MAX/MSP/Jitter - softVNS - processing - openGL - SPIP - PHP/MySQL)

8 November - 3 December 2005

iMAL proposes in 2005 a unique experiment merging art education and digital culture public event: openLAB, a workshop and residence of 2 weeks for about 20 artists invited to produce digital art works such as interactive installations and audiovisual performances.

3 July - 10 August 2005

Real Time Video - Movements Analysis - Real Time 3D - Code Art - Collaborative Web (MAX/MSP/Jitter - softVNS - processing - openGL - SPIP - PHP/MySQL)

18 February - 19 February 2005

The workshop is structured on hooking up sensors and robotics for interactive computer art projects.

10 June - 12 June 2004

This workshop explores abstract visual expressions using a real-time OpenGL environment within the Max/Jitter framework.

11 December - 13 December 2003

A 3 days workshop about constructing experiences in interactive installations by David Rokeby.

31 August - 4 September 2003

A 5 days workshop about realtime audiovisual exploration by Telcosystems.

17 April - 19 April 2003

A 3 days workshop introducing computer programming by Casey Reas.

25 August - 29 August 2002

A 5 days intensive workshop exploring the MAX environment and video softwares for interactive installations and realtime audiovisual performances.