Elias Heuninck

Elias Heuninck makes videos, graphical designs and interactive works. At the School of Arts in Ghent, he became interested in the different ways in which landscape imagery could evolve into a contemporary form and become the starting point for numerous experiments.

Through very simple computer algorithms, he creates an alternative version of these landscapes in which their flat nature is transformed into a spatial quality. As a result, very complex images emerge with both jaggy, digital, poetic and emotional characteristics.



2017 - 2018

iMAL organise plusieurs workshops d'introduction à la fabrication numérique pour différentes hautes écoles artistiques bruxelloises francophones et néerlandophones.


The exhibition presents recents works by four artists, Mats Dekock, Stijn Demeulenaere, Elias Heuninck and Jeroen Uyttendaele, who were in residency at Overtoon and Werktank in 2014 and 2015. The exhibited works share a particular interest in fleeting moments, which manifest themselves in fractions of sound and light.


with projects by Elias Heuninck, Jo Caimo and Theo Lalis